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Lifefactory Glass Baby Bottle Review: Lead Free Bottles

When I was a brand new mom, I stumbled upon Lifefactory glass baby bottles when I was trying to avoid plastic bottles that could leak chemicals. I decided to try out a few Lifefactory glass baby bottles and really liked them. Not only were they super cute, but they survived many drops and gave me peace of mind that no plastic would leach into warmed up milk.

This is not a sponsored post, I really just like them and like this company! You might also want to check out these cute inexpensive diaper backpacks, how to use your purse as a diaper bag, and my go to baby products for the first 6 months with baby number 4.

Why I recommend Lifefactory glass baby bottles

1. This company is legit. They don’t use any lead in their glass baby bottles

I bet you had no idea top brands still use lead based paint on their glass baby bottles in 2022. This isn’t okay on so many levels, especially since babies are the most vulnerable and put these products in their mouths.

Yep, I didn’t find that out till this year either. Don’t worry, Lifefactory doesn’t do that, and anything you buy from them is pretty darn safe to give your baby!

Where to learn more about lead based paint on the markings and decorations of glass baby bottles

I stumbled upon Lead Safe Mama’s baby bottle archives only to learn that several top brands of glass baby bottles sold today actually still use LEAD BASED PAINT for the markings on the outside of the bottles. Yep, NUK is a MAJOR culprit, and I wouldn’t buy anything from them now.

Most brands claim to be “environmentally friendly” and to care about babies. Brands that use ANY amount of lead on products given to babies don’t care about your baby. Because babies WILL hold it, touch it, even lick it.

Read this post that shows you a NUK glass baby bottle in 2021 that tested 20,300 ppm lead on the paint. (90 and up is considered unsafe for kids).

The reason it’s allowed is because lead based paint isn’t very regulated in the US outside of house paint. It passes regulation because they consider the paint by weight of the whole item, so it’s a small percentage. However, it’s actually on the outside, painted on, where little hands and tongues can be exposed. Not hidden inside the glass.

Here’s a post on leadfree baby bottle options that have been tested using an XRF machine, the only true way to detect lead in tiny amounts inside of items.

Ok, on to other reasons why Lifefactory bottles are awesome!

2. Lifefactory glass baby bottles are durable…ours have been dropped plenty

Our bottles have amazed me…like the abuse they have received from my babies without breaking is a bit mind-blowing.

From being thrown on the hard kitchen floor during a fit or tossed out of the stroller… Or dropped from a highchair. Or stuffed in my backpack on the bottom next to another hard object.

How they don’t break, I can only attribute to the companies specialty glass which makes it so these can go from frozen temps to boiling water without breaking, and also to the amazing silicone sleeve.

Yes, we have broken a couple, but I know the silicon sleeve and specialty glass have kept us from a LOT more breaks!

These Lifefactory glass baby bottles are the best glass baby bottles! They come in 4oz or 9 oz bottles and have proven me a loyal customer. Durable, cute, and safe to drink out of. #blueandhazel #glassbottles #baby #bottles

3. Silicone Sleeve is cute and has kept our glass bottles from shattering after many falls

A nice thin layer of 100% silicone protects the whole bottle. You can set this on concrete, tip it over, and know it will likely be protected from breaking.

I also love the design of the holes in the silicone because silicone can sometimes get slippery if you don’t wash the sleeve all the time (I’m guilty)!

But, with the holes it does not feel slippery and it’s easy to grip. And it comes in such cute colors! O how I love the colors!! This sleeve is tricky to pull off so I rarely do, but you can soap it up and then it slips off just fine when you need to wash it really well.

Green Lifefactory Glass baby bottle tipped on it's side on a wooden table, showing the bottom of the silicone sleeve
Lifefactory 4 oz glass baby bottles, covered in silicone even on the bottom

4. Lifefactory bottles are BPA/BPS-free

I love knowing that when I heat up milk in the microwave, that no plastic is getting into my baby.  These bottles, sleeves, and nipples are BPA/BPS-free and phthalate-free, and dishwasher safe.

Yes, that’s my toddler enjoying himself some milk from his old bottle. Sometimes I want to let them stay a baby forever.

4 oz glass bottle by Lifefactory, the best glass baby bottle and hard to break.

5. Sippy cup lids available, and different stage of bottle nipples too

I love that for the money spent, you can use these bottles for any age baby (just get the next nipple size up).

Or, they have sippy cup lids that work on both glass bottle sizes! The lid attachments available are:

  • Stage 1 nipples are 0-3 months
  • Stage 2 are 3-6 months
  • Stage 3 (6 months+)
  • Sippy Caps with a removable flow control piece inside

6. Fits other standard nipples, and most breast pumps.

As my kids have grown teeth, they have shred some plastic nipples!

While you can buy replacement nipples for these, I have often found cheaper standard size nipples and they fit in just fine. Also the bottle screws onto most breast pumps.

Glass Lifefactory bottle used with a different nipple and lid. Nice that it is compatible!
This is a lid from another bottle we had, which did not leak, however it did not screw on as easily as the Lifefactory lids that are made to go with it. If you must use another nipple, I’d at least stick with the white lids that screw on from Lifefactory.

7. Lifefactory bottles come in 2 sizes

My favorite size is the 4 oz bottle. It’s small, and my kid isn’t going to pee through their diaper at night if they have it before bedtime.

Obviously if you’re refilling the 4 oz a lot for older kids, you’ll want the 9 oz bottle. But, I just find we use the smaller ones more.

Downsides of Lifefactory glass baby bottles:

1. Glass can break

Hello, it’s glass!

But in three years, I have broken one.  I’m surprised just one!

If my kids were breaking these all the time I could not afford to buy them often.  And just to let you know, when it did break, it was on asphalt as my son chucked it out of the stroller.  And asphalt is not as forgiving as even smooth concrete under a kitchen floor, so, that was that.

And, to attest to the silicone sleeve helping, I have bought several other brands that come without the sleeve, and they have broken which I think is because they don’t have the silicone.  

The silicone is what makes these the best glass baby bottle! Lifefactory also now makes an 8 oz stainless steel baby bottle which I haven’t tried, but looks awesome.

2. They are expensive.

The cheapest I have found these is around $9/bottle.  Let me tell you, its worth it.  I own three, and that’s all I need.

But, if you can upgrade the lid and use them as sippy cups, then the cost becomes even less per year or per use or whatever.

Last thoughts:

While we bought the 9 oz bottle for my son when he was guzzling the 4 oz ones (which actually hold about 5 oz when topped off)…I still prefer the smaller 4 oz bottles.

 No matter what size I offer, they drink ALL of it, haha, which means, they were peeing out of their diapers ALL the time at night and naps. If you are still giving your toddlers a milk bottle before you brush their teeth at night, here’s how we dealt with potty training them at nights. It’s not what you think…

Sometimes I will give them the bigger one but only fill it to 7 oz or something.  Its nice to have the bigger option, but now you have been warned :-)!  You can get one here, you won’t regret it!

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Monday 16th of December 2019

Do these come with caps, for transporting the bottles?


Monday 16th of December 2019

Hi Katherine, Ours came with a round, flat plastic piece that replaced the bottle nipple if you wanted to store or transport. Not sure if it is completely spill proof though if tipped sideways.

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