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Loop Schedule Printable For Homeschoolers

If you are new to loop scheduling, then you are in for a major treat! This is a flexible way to plan out your homeschool subjects without having to schedule them into set days of the week.

You simply put what you want to cover on a list and rotate or “loop” through the list. We have a daily list, and two loops we circle through. Here’s a full post for you on how to make a loop schedule and what it is.

If something comes up and you don’t do spelling on Wednesday, you don’t have to cram it in or wait till next week. Simply do spelling tomorrow as the next thing on the loop!

You can purchase this loop schedule in my Etsy printable shop.

What you get with this printable:

You will receive a PDF digital download (no physical product) containing 4 variations of my blank loop schedule.

4 versions of a homeschool loop schedule, with 1-4 loop options.
This loop schedule printable has 5 slots for daily tasks, and anywhere from 1-4 mini loops.

How I use this loop schedule

I like using two mini loops as part of our daily work. One mini loop contains things I’d like to get to once a week or so, which I named “Weekly loop”.

My second mini loop is a list of workbooks/games/poems I have that I want to get to, but needed a plan to rotate them in regularly. So I put them on a loop and aim for 1 each day.

homeschool loop schedule to help organize your day. This loop schedule has a daily subject list and 1-4 loops you can customize. It's the perfect blend of not having to worry about doing a certain topic on a certain day, while still getting to all your school subjects.

So 4 days a week I aim to cover these topics with my 1st grader: Spoiler alert, it doesn’t always happen, and that’s OK too.

  • Bible
  • Math Curriculum
  • Language Arts Curriculum
  • 1 thing from our L.A. loop
  • 1 thing from our weekly loop
Amazon Basics laminating machine used to laminate this homeschool loop schedule.
Feel free to write directly on the paper, or laminate to use with a dry erase. I recommend sturdy white cardstock (I have 65lb here).

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @blue.and.hazel for more homeschooling tips and to see news and updates on more future printables 🙂

More printables in my shop:

chore chart for kids


Saturday 27th of November 2021

Thank you so much for this! It's the best explanation I've seen of how to combine loops. I've been fretting over how to get everything in given our need for a flexible, four-day schedule. Just incredibly helpful!


Wednesday 1st of December 2021

So glad, thanks for the feedback!

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