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Best Homeschool Facebook Groups For New Homeschool Parents

Do you ever wish you could see what another homeschooler’s day looks like? Or ask someone what curriculum’s they like and why? I know I had a million questions, but didn’t have many people to ask when we started kindergarten. That’s where homeschool Facebook groups can really help you out! I’ll not so secretly admit that I’m in a lot of them.

I just really enjoy reading through questions and comments to gain insight on methods, see what’s out there now, see what’s working for others, and spy in on what it’s like to use different curriculums.

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Homeschool Facebook Groups

Many of the groups I’ve posted here are ones I’m in or have been in. A lot have Christian teaching resources as part of them, and slant toward the Charlotte Mason approach (not all though).

The better you figure out your family’s style, the more you can narrow in on specific groups. But here’s a few for starters! Pick 2-3 that interest you and see how much you can learn! Click on any of the links to be taken to the group to request to join.

Real Life Homeschool Spaces

This has got to be one of my favorites! Ever wish you could peek inside a homeschool mom’s house and see how in the heck she organizes her space and all her homeschool stuff? Well, now you can!

The threads are full of people asking for pics on how to organize everything from papers to books to entire rooms. Small budgets or big, you will for sure find inspiration here and can always ask where someone purchased something you like.

Minimalist Homeschooling

Many people here are trying to find ways to homeschool in small spaces with limited materials. Less is more and simple is better in this group. It’s a global group so you won’t find questions about specific things to your state or country here.

Free Homeschool Ideas

I love cheap and free, especially for homeschooling. This group is perfect if you are homeschooling on a small budget and need some ideas how to do that.

Affording The Homeschool Life

This group pretty much just posts freebie sheets you can find online. I don’t check this hardly ever, but it’s great if you love finding ideas for free printouts, free planners, etc.

I’ve mostly seen printables for preschool and early elementary.

Homeschooling For Beginners

I’m new to this group, but there are great questions being asked in here for new homeschoolers.

It’s a smaller group under 1K so there are fewer responses per post. You’ll still find something here to lead you down a rabbit trail and find new ideas.

Homeschool Community Supporting Public School Community

Thinking about switching to homeschool or very new? You have company in this group and lots of help. This is a great group with lots of questions from first time homeschoolers or parents interested in homeschooling due to Covid.

There are many super supportive homeschooling parents in here that help answer questions. If a question sparks your interest, just read all the answers in the comments!

Christian Homeschool Families

I enjoy some of the questions and answers here, and learn about resources other Christians are using. However this group also seems to bring in non homeschool questions about people’s kids so I don’t like that as much.

And just note, there is a WIDE range of convictions about things among people in this group. It can be quite thought provoking, but know some people are very conservative and others are not.

Gameschooling (Teaching with Games)

There is a whole group of people who use a LOT of games to teach their kids. It’s an area I know little about but am very intrigued by!

Since my kids learn so well when something is presented as “fun” or “a game”, I love spying in on this group to find new game ideas for math and much more. There are so many I’ve never heard of, and lots of people asking for games for specific ages which is helpful.

This is a secular group, not Christian specific for those who want to know.

Charlotte Mason Inspired Homeschoolers

This is not a Charlotte Mason purist group, which I like. It’s full of people who are inspired by the Charlotte Mason philosophies and trying too add then to their homeschool life.

You’ll find a lot of curriculum questions inside with lots of people’s honest opinions of why they use or stopped using certain ones.

Relaxed Homeschooling

“This Group was made for those homeschool families that do not fit into any of the normal homeschool styles. You are not really structured nor are you unschoolers. Maybe you are only structured with certain subjects.”

This group is not a Christian specific group for those wondering.

Charlotte Mason Nature Journaling

This is for families who are learning to to nature journal together with their kids. This is something I want to learn to do this year. It’s helpful to see tips and tricks for beginners who are not artistic and don’t know how to draw (me!).

Handicrafts-Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers

This group is so awesome if you are looking for ways to bring handicrafts into your homeschool as Charlotte Mason taught. There are some really cool ideas in this group. What makes these different:

  • Made by hand.
  • The end product is useful, not just a paper craft to be thrown away.
  • Things that teach the child to be careful and thought out.
  • Within a child’s skill level… something that challenges them but doesn’t frustrate.

For a better understanding of what kinds of projects would be considered Charlotte Mason handicrafts, head here.

Keep Calm And Homeschool On (with Jesus)

This group was started by Rebecca from, and the creator of Gather Round Homeschool Curriculum. This group is not focused on her curriculum (maybe she has another group for that?)

You will find threads in this group on curriculum choices, and general questions on getting started homeschooling. Very helpful!

It’s a Christian focused group, so if you do not like her statement of faith in the About section when you go to join the group, it’s not for you.

Rock Your Homeschool

Resources, encouragement, and more. This is a BIG group nearing 20K people so you will be sure to find a variety of homeschool info here.

Working Homeschool Mom by Jenn Mackinnon

I’m new to this group, and don’t really consider myself a work from home mom (even though I kinda am….hence I’m writing this at home with the kids running around). But, I’m hoping this will be a group for tips on homeschooling as a business owner.

We Teach Kindergarten

If your oldest is in kindergarten, this group could be a great source of ideas and figuring out what other’s are doing with similar ages.

Homeschooling 1st Grade

If you have a child in 1st grade, this group applies to you. Fun ideas from parents of similar aged kids.

Curriculum Specific Groups

Moms of Masterbooks

We are trying out Masterbooks for language arts this year, so I jumped into this group. (You don’t have to purchase anything to be in it btw).

Scrolling through the posts, you’ll get to see questions people have about Masterbooks curriculum, what’s in a lot of the books, and recommendations on what to use with different ages and family sizes.

If you haven’t heard of Masterbooks, it’s a Christian based curriculum that you can use for everything, or subject by subject. It’s very affordable (our first grade language arts book was $65 for the workbook & added materials. It will only be around $30 for my next kid since we’ll only need the workbook).

Raising Little Shoots Nature Study

This is the official group for the nature curriculum we use called “Exploring Nature With Children” by Lynn from Raising Little Shoots. Think of it as your virtual nature study buddies where you share ideas…or just read others ;-).

I like this group a lot because there are threads for people’s ideas, activities, and book ideas beyond what’s listed in the curriculum. So for bee week, you might find a ton of new ways people made it fun and engaging for kids.

You get to see normal people’s pictures. Not your styled Instagram posts before kids have actually touched the stuff. But real, repeatable ideas.

A Gentle Feast Community

You do not need to use this curriculum to be a part of the group. I am in it because I’m considering this Charlotte Mason curriculum for us at a future point.

If you haven’t heard of A Gentle Feast, it’s a Charlotte Mason curriculum for kids K-12 developed by a homeschool mom of 5 and former public school teacher Julie Ross. It’s made to simplify homeschool, so your not doing every subject for every kid separately. She’s done the planning for you, if that appeals to you.

Simply Charlotte Mason

This group is not a general Charlotte Mason support group. It’s focus is on using the curriculum “Simply Charlotte Mason” (which I don’t use), but there are still SO many helpful posts if you are interested in the Charlotte Mason style. I learn a lot in this group.

Join a Facebook Group specific to your state and your city

Last but not least, search for your state and your city with the term “homeschool” attached and get into some area specific groups.

This will be valuable if you want to meet like-minded moms, and it can help you find tons of local resources that general homeschool blogs can’t!

A little tip to get notifications for Facebook posts you are really interested in

If you run across a question in a group, and want to see what all the answers will be, here’s what to do. You don’t have to write “following” in the comments although that will work too.

Simply go to the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the post, and click “turn on notifications for this post”. Then you will get a little notice in your Facebook notifications every time there’s an answer.

I recommend only doing this on a few that you really want to follow.

That’s it for now! I’ll add to this as I try out new groups. Comment below if there’s one you find helpful not listed!

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